Monday, April 28, 2014

Reusable Birthing Pads

I thought since this is a blog, I might make some attempt to actually use it as one.  Don't know how consistent I'll be, but I might as well give it a try.  Here goes...

I was about to break down and buy some puppy pee pads to use for goat births, because it's hard picking all the bits of membrane and straw off of a towel before washing, and I need a lot of towels this year.  Also, I wanted something to soak up the majority of the fluid before it could hit the bedding, making less clean up of the birthing stall.  I really hate using disposable stuff though.  When I mentioned it to hubby he also balked at the idea, so I started to think about an alternative.  I came up with these.
I used a vinyl table cloth, some quilt batting and a jersey cotton sheet.  I should get a chance to see how it works within a few days, as Starlight is almost ready to kid.  She seems to have a lot of them on the way.  I'm guessing quads since she's had triplets both of her previous freshenings, and she looks so much bigger this time, so I made four of these pads yesterday.  Hopefully that's all I need!  I also hope they work well and at least begin to solve the problem they're intended for.
I also saw in a previous post that I had promised to share what I keep in my birthing kit.  Hopefully soon I'll actually do that. :)

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