I apologize wholeheartedly for not updating this site more frequently. I really wish I had it in me to do so...
However, I will take care of that now. We started out the fall of 2016 with:
mini-Nubian does
mini-Nubian buck
Mr. Tumnus
Nigerian Dwarf Doe
Nigerian Dwarf Buck
Our 2017 kidding season was hugely successful in every way, and I'm super thankful to God for the wonder and amazement of it all. The kids, both goat and human, have had a blast, and so have I. :)
Francine, our lovely black and white mini-Nubian doe, kidded March 13 with buck/doe twins. I immediately fell in love with her doe kid, named her Freyja, and am keeping her here.
Lovely Francine |
Freyja |
Next was April, who kidded on March 16 with triplets, one buck and two does. She rejected one doe kid, so we have a bottle baby. This is our first ever fully bottle fed kid, and has been quite an experience. Because she didn't need her goat mama, we got to take her to the hospital, nursing home and elementary school in our community. It was wonderful fun! She and her sister will be going to a pet home later this month. Brother will be herd sire for a lovely bunch of does and leaving this month as well.
doeling, Quin |
doeling, Harley |
Third was Johannah, my daughter's 4H doe. She's a precious little girl, and going to be a fine milker as well. She also had triplets, two bucks and a doe. She didn't even look pregnant, though I several times felt a hard baby body part sliding along her side, and the signs of her impending delivery were unmistakeable. She had the tiniest little triplets! Two of them were under two pounds. The third was just over. She shot them out so quickly that we couldn't get to the barn before they were all born, though we ran out there as soon as we heard her pushing on the baby monitor. I had just been out checking on her and doing the chores less than half an hour before, and there was nothing going on at all. She surprised us in every way. :)
Johannah and one of her buck kids |
another buck and a doe kid |
My kid and the doe kid |
Fourth and last, Moon kidded with triplet does! They are all so adorable. Two of them have completely white faces, and blue eyes that look like they're wearing heavy black eye liner. Those eyes! I want to keep them all! However, they'll all be for sale instead. These are sure to be some lovely family milkers. Moon is my favorite milker ever, and as a first freshener she milked for 14 months before I decided to take a break from milking and dry her off. She milked half a gallon a day for much of that lactation. I can't wait to see what this second freshening brings! These girls will hopefully have some nice individual photos added to our for sale page soon. Be sure to inquire by using our contact button or leaving a comment if you're interested.
Moon and doelings |
pretty Moon |
Moon just before giving birth to the triplets |
Moon's first born doeling |
Moon's second and third doelings |